Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。

Guide to Starting A Private Educational Institution Business in Singapore


As a country whose natural resource is only its people, Singapore has a world-class and widely appreciated education system. The public schools are increasingly becoming popular among immigrants, the Ministry of Education conducts an annual admissions exercise during September/October for new international students who wish to join the public schools. International students need to apply for a  Student’s Pass in order for them to study in Singapore.


Besides public schools, there are lots of private or foreign-system schools set up their campus in Singapore, they offer a curriculum similar to the kid’s home country, which is also welcomed by immigrants. For example, Singapore’s top local schools ACS International, Hwa Chong International and SJI International, established their own international schools by offering secondary and post-secondary education.


1.      Private School in Singapore


Singapore has established Private Education Act which required registration of a private school, courses offered and teacher to be made from MOE (Ministry of Education) if the school offers education for 10 or more persons.


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Hainan Free Trade Port VS Shanghai Free Trade Zone


At the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Hainan Special Economic Zone, the Party Central Committee has decided to support Hainan in building a pilot free trade zone across the island, and to support Hainan in gradually exploring and steadily promoting the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics. On June 1, the General plan for the construction of Hainan free trade port was released, and the construction of Hainan free trade port officially kicked off. The plan shows China's will and determination to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up in the new era. Since its release at the beginning of the month, it has attracted wide attention from all parties. So what are the highlights and signals of the plan?


The plan comprehensively expounds the construction of Hainan free trade port from the following four aspects: General requirements, system design, step-by-step arrangement, organization and implementation, and puts forward the system security of five free conveniences and institutional arrangements, i.e. free trade, free investment, free cross-border capital flow, free entry and exit of personnel, and free transportation row as well as safe and orderly data flow. The plan also makes arrangements for the tax system and the rule of law system, which is an innovative move, and also releases the signal of conforming to the international high standard economic and trade rules. These institutional arrangements will bring together high-end resources around the world, and promote Hainan to become a more attractive and competitive investment hot spot. So what is a free trade port? What's the difference between it and free trade zone?


The free trade port is an upgrade based on the free trade zone. The free trade port has a wider range of areas. It is usually set up in the port (sometimes there are airports) cities, including the whole city, while the free trade zone is defined a certain area around the city. The free trade port has a wider range, including freedom of investment, free employment, free operation, free entry and exit of operators, etc. in addition to freedom of trade, the free trade port is allowed to carry out departure On the basis of offshore trade, we will further open the high-end service industry and develop offshore finance and other related businesses. When talking about Hainan free trade port, many people naturally think of Shanghai free trade zone. As the bridgehead of China's opening up and the leader of China's economy, the establishment of Shanghai free trade zone is not only of milestone significance to China's expansion of opening up. Looking around the world, free trade ports are built on the basis of free trade zones, the following is a simple comparison between Shanghai free trade zone and Hainan free trade port:



Total Area

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China Releases Strict Administration Rules on Financial Leasing Companies


China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission has just released the Interim Measures for Supervision and Administration of Financial Leasing Companies (hereinafter referred to as the Measures) on 9 June 2020. The Measures consist of six chapters and 55 articles. The following contents of the Measures have attracted much attention of the insiders.


1.    Sort out the Existing Financial Leasing Companies




The financial leasing companies will be divided into three categories, i.e. normal operation category, abnormal operation category and illegal operation category. The abnormal operation category mainly refers to the financial leasing companies with abnormal operations such as lost contact and empty shell.

Lost contact refers to a financial leasing company meeting one of the following conditions:

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Guide to Starting a Pet Shop in Singapore


Nowadays, as millennials and Generation Z consumers have come into adulthood, they have embraced the pet-owning and pet-loving lifestyles to a far greater extent than their elders. The pet industry has been experiencing explosive growth recently. In this case, one may grab the business opportunity by setting up his or her own pet shop in Singapore.


In order to start a pet shop in Singapore, you must register a business with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (“ACRA”). After that, you would need to have a pet shop license issued by Animal & Veterinary Service (“AVS”), a cluster of the National Parks Board before the pet shop is allowed to display, sell, distribute, or export pets.


1.      Pet Shop Licence


You will need a license from AVS before your pet shop is allowed to display, sell, distribute, or export pets. The types of animals that are allowed to sell will be printed on the pet shop license:

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一、   寵物店牌照




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一、  引言





二、  地理位置及人口



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在新加坡經營電信系統和提供電信服務業務必須獲得新加坡資訊通信媒體發展局(Infocomm Media Development Authority, IMDA)頒發的執照。一般來說,這些持牌人必須是根據新加坡公司法第50章成立的公司。 IMDA發放許可證的方式是以固定基地運營商牌照 (Facilities-Based Operator, FBO) 和服務營辦商牌照 (Services-Based Operations, SBO) 類型進行區分。本文將就牌照的種類進行簡要介紹。


、   服務營辦商牌照 (SBO)


服務營辦商牌照 (SBO) 牌照允許運營商在新加坡提供基於服務的電信服務,包括以下服務內容:




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Introduction to Telecommunication Licences in Singapore


Persons who want to operate telecommunications systems and provide telecommunication services are required to be licensed by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). In general, such licensees must be a company incorporated under the Singapore Companies Act, Chapter 50. IMDA adopts a licensing approach which differentiates between Facilities-Based Operations (FBO) Licence and Services-Based Operations (SBO) Licence type of operations.  The following provides an overview.


1.   Services-Based Operations (SBO) Licence


The Services-Based Operations (SBO) Licence allows an operator to provide services-based telecommunications services in Singapore.


For operators who intend to:

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