Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。

HK Government Funding Schemes – BUD Fund


1.    Introduction

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region formally established the "BUD Special Fund" in June 2012, and further optimization measures were launched recently on April 9, 2020.


"BUD Fund" could be separated as "Mainland Programme" and " FTA Programme" to assist Hong Kong enterprises in branding, Upgrading & Restructuring, Promoting Sales. Enterprises can flexibly use the total funding limit of HK$ 4 million to implement projects in the Mainland or FTA areas to develop and promote their products and services.


FTA economies include four member states of European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland), New Zealand, Chile, Macau, ASEAN (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), Australia and Georgia.


2.    Scope of the Programme

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香港政府資助計劃 - BUD專項基金




香港特別行政區政府在 2012 年 6 月正式成立「BUD 專項基金」,並於2020 年 4 月 9 日推出進一步優化措施。


「BUD 專項基金」劃分為「內地計劃」及「自貿協定計劃」,協助香港企業發展品牌、升級轉型及拓展營銷市場。企業能靈活運用合共港幣四百萬元的資助上限,於內地或自貿協定地區推行項目,發展及推廣其產品及服務。


自貿協定的經濟體包括: 歐洲自由貿易聯盟國家 (冰島、列支敦士登、挪威、瑞士)、新西蘭、智利、澳門、東盟十國(文萊、柬埔寨、印尼、老撾、馬來西亞、緬甸、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國和越南)、澳洲和格魯吉亞。


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Guide to Hong Kong Distance Business Programme (“D-Biz Programme”)


Under the Anti-Epidemic Fund, the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) has launched the Distance Business “D-Biz Programme” to support enterprises to continue their business and services during the epidemic. The Programme provides funding support through fast-track processing for enterprises to adopt IT solutions for developing distance business.


1.      Funding Scope


The Programme covers 12 categories of IT solutions relating to distance business:

  • Online business
  • Online order taking and delivery, and smart self-service systems
  • Online customer services and engagement
  • Digital customer experience enhancement
  • Digital payment / mobile point of sale
  • Online / cloud-based financial management systems
  • Online / cloud-based human resources management systems
  • Remote document management, cloud storage, and remote access services
  • Virtual meeting and conference tools
  • Virtual team management and communications
  • Cybersecurity solutions
  • Other online/custom-built / cloud-based business support systems


* Application projects should be commenced within one month upon the signing of the funding agreement and completed within six months.


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一、   資助範圍



  • 網上營商
  • 網上接單和送遞、智能自助服務系統
  • 網上客戶服務和推廣
  • 客戶數碼體驗升級
  • 數碼支付/流動裝置零售管理系統
  • 線上/雲端財務管理系統
  • 線上/雲端人力資源管理系統
  • 遙距文件管理、雲端儲存及遠端存取服務
  • 網上會議工具
  • 虛擬團隊管理和溝通
  • 網絡安全方案
  • 其他線上/度身訂造/雲端業務支援系統




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Taiwan Company Registration Package #TWLLC5

(For Residents or Company Registered in Places other than Mainland China)


Unless otherwise stated, the Taiwan company stated in this quotation referred to a limited liability company formed and incorporated in Taiwan under the Taiwan Company Act.


This package is suitable for individual from or company registered in places other than the Mainland China who intends to apply to register a company in Taiwan for the purpose of carrying out technology, general consulting or trading business.




Our package fee for the registration of a limited liability company in Taiwan is TWD 98,000. This package fee covers our professional registration service, government official registration fee, one-year local agent service and opening a corporate bank account in Taiwan. This package does not include the registered address service and the notarization of documents.

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Taiwan Representative Office Registration Package #TWRO5

(For Companies Registered in Places other than Mainland China)


Unless otherwise stated, the Taiwan representative office stated in this quotation referred to the Taiwan representative office incorporated in Taiwan under the Taiwan Company Act.


This package is suitable for individuals or companies registered in places other than Mainland China that intend to register a representative office in Taiwan. For the company established in Mainland China or a foreign company held by a Mainland Chinese to apply for registration a representative office in Taiwan, please refer to the “Package for the Mainland China Company to register a Taiwan Representative Office”.




Our fees for the registration of a Taiwan representative office is TWD 52,000. This package included the service fees, government registration fee, and opening a Taiwan bank account. This package does not include the registered address service for the Taiwan representative office. Kaizen could provide the registered address service, but fees will be quoted separately.

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 香港政府資助計劃 - BUD專項基金




香港特別行政區政府在 2012 年 6 月正式成立「BUD 專項基金」,並於2020 年 4 月 9 日推出進一步優化措施。


「BUD 專項基金」劃分為「內地計劃」及「自貿協定計劃」,協助香港企業發展品牌、升級轉型及拓展營銷市場。企業能靈活運用合共港幣四百萬元的資助上限,於內地或自貿協定地區推行項目,發展及推廣其產品及服務。


自貿協定的經濟體包括: 歐洲自由貿易聯盟國家 (冰島、列支敦士登、挪威、瑞士)、新西蘭、智利、澳門、東盟十國(文萊、柬埔寨、印尼、老撾、馬來西亞、緬甸、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國和越南)、澳洲和格魯吉亞。


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HK Government Funding Schemes – BUD Fund


1.    Introduction

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region formally established the "BUD Special Fund" in June 2012, and further optimization measures were launched recently on April 9, 2020.


"BUD Fund" could be separated as "Mainland Programme" and " FTA Programme" to assist Hong Kong enterprises in branding, Upgrading & Restructuring, Promoting Sales. Enterprises can flexibly use the total funding limit of HK$ 4 million to implement projects in the Mainland or FTA areas to develop and promote their products and services.


FTA economies include four member states of European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland), New Zealand, Chile, Macau, ASEAN (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), Australia and Georgia.


2.    Scope of the Programme

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Hong Kong Catering Business (Social Distancing) Subsidy Scheme


Hong Kong Government has established the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund which includes the Catering Business (Social Distancing) Subsidy Scheme. Eligible license holders of the premises in operation can apply for a grant of one-off subsidy including general restaurants, light refreshment restaurants, marine restaurants, and factory canteens.


1.      Eligibility


An applicant is required to fulfill the following criteria:


(1)    the applicant holds on 29 February 2020 a valid food business license (full or provisional license) of any one of the four categories listed in item (3) of Part II of the Application Form for Anti-epidemic Fund – Catering Business (Social Distancing) Subsidy Scheme (the Application Form) issued by the FEHD;

(2)    the related food business license is valid and the food business is in operation on the date of submission of the application and on the date of approval of the application;

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