Hong Kong Tax Authority Starts Sending out Tax Returns for 2019/20 Today
Departed from its general practice in the past, the tax authority in Hong Kong, the Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”), starts sending out the Property Tax Returns and Employer’s Returns for the year of assessment 2019/20 today, instead of the Profits Tax Returns. The IRD will be sending out the Profits Tax Returns and tax returns for individuals on 4 May 2020 and 1 June 2020, respectively.
In accordance with the regulations, a taxpayer who receives a tax return shall complete and submit it back to the IRD within a month of issue of the said return or any other time specified in the relevant return. Otherwise, the taxpayer may be subject to a fine for late filing of return.
As a taxpayer, in reporting and filing your tax return for year 2019/20, you are entitled to enjoy the various concessions announced by the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong on his 2020/2021 Budget, including a one-off reduction of profits tax, salaries tax and tax under personal assessment for the year of assessment 2019/20 by 100%, subject to a ceiling of HKD20,000 per case. IRD will make a tax reduction in the final tax assessment for this year after the proposed concessionary measure is approved by the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. It is noted that no additional application for this proposed concessionary measure is required.
This concessionary measure is applicable for the year of assessment 2019/20, that is, they are applicable to the accounting year ended within the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.