Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。








本公司代辦臺灣工作證的服務費用為每人美金 800元, 居留簽證每人美金250元,居留證為每人美金250元, 隨行之依親居留簽證為每人美金800元。具體包含下列服務:



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Taiwan Work Permit Application Procedures and Fees

(For Foreign, Hong Kong, and Macau as the Person in Charge or Managers in Taiwan)


This package is suitable for a person in charge or managers from Hong Kong, Macau and foreign countries (other than Mainland China) that intend to apply for Taiwan work permit and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC).


1.   Service Fees


The service fees to apply work permit is USD 800 per person, the resident visa is USD 250 per person and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) is USD 250 per person, while the dependent visa is USD 800 per person. The service list is listed below.

(1)   Provide consultancy for the application of Taiwan work permit and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC);
(2)   Review the document provided by clients;

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China Holiday Arrangement in 2020 Announced

The State Council released the “Circular on Part of the Holiday Arrangement in 2020” on November 21, 2019. According to the above Circular, the official holidays for the year 2020 are scheduled as follows:

1. New Year's Day

1st January 2020 (one day off in total).

2. Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)

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國務院辦公廳關于 2020 年部分節假日安排的通知

國辦發明電〔 2019〕 16 號


經國務院批准,現將 2020 年元旦、春節、清明節、勞動節、端午節、中秋節和國慶節放假調

一、 元旦

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Taiwan Branch Office Registration Package #TWBO5

(For Company Registered in Place other than Mainland China)


Unless otherwise stated, the Taiwan Branch Office stated in this quotation referred to the Branch Office incorporated in Taiwan under the Taiwan Company Act.


This package is suitable for individual or company registered in places other than Mainland China that intend to apply to register a branch office in Taiwan. For the company established in Mainland China or a foreign company held by a Mainland Chinese to apply for registration a branch office in Taiwan, please refer to the “Package for the Mainland China Company to register a Taiwan Branch Office”.




Our service fee for the registration of Taiwan branch office is TWD 78,000. This package included the service fees, government registration fee, and opening a Taiwan bank account. This package does not include the registered address service for the Taiwan branch office.

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Taiwan Representative Office Registration Package #TWRO5

(For Companies Registered in Places other than Mainland China)


Unless otherwise stated, the Taiwan representative office stated in this quotation referred to the Taiwan representative office incorporated in Taiwan under the Taiwan Company Act.


This package is suitable for individual or company registered in places other than Mainland China that intend to register a representative office in Taiwan. For the company established in Mainland China or a foreign company held by a Mainland Chinese to apply for registration a representative office in Taiwan, please refer to the “Package for the Mainland China Company to register a Taiwan Representative Office”.




Our fees for the registration of a Taiwan representative office is TWD 52,000. This package included the service fees, government registration fee, and opening a Taiwan bank account. This package does not include the registered address service for the Taiwan representative office. Kaizen could provide the registered address service, but fees will be quoted separately.

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 Taiwan Company Registration Package #TWLLC5

(For Residents or Company Registered in Places other than Mainland China)


Unless otherwise stated, the Taiwan company stated in this quotation referred to a limited liability company formed and incorporated in Taiwan under the Taiwan Company Act.


This package is suitable for the individual from or company registered in places other than the Mainland China who intends to apply to register a company in Taiwan for the purpose of carrying out technology, general consulting or trading business.




Our package fee for the registration of a limited liability company in Taiwan is TWD98,000. This package fee covers our professional registration service, government official registration fee, one-year local agent service and opening a corporate bank account in Taiwan. This package does not include the registered address service and the notarization of documents.

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