Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。











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BVI Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnership) Act, 2018



The BVI Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnership) Act, 2018 has been gazetted on 19 December 2018 and effective from 1 January 2019.


You are required to do the following under the new Act:


1. Identify whether your BVI company is a tax resident outside of the BVI


If your company is a tax resident outside of the BVI (except for jurisdictions included in the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions), the economic substance requirements do not apply to your company. To prove the non-resident status in BVI, the government of the BVI may require you to provide the satisfactory evidence such as Tax Identification Number, Tax Residence Certificate and assessment or payment of a tax liability, etc.

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2019 5 9 日,美國政府宣佈,自 2019 5 10 日起,對從中國進口的 2,000 億美元清單商品加征的關稅稅率由 10%提高到 25%

中國國務院關稅稅則委員會於 2019 5 13 日發佈公告,根據《中華人民共和國對外貿易法》、《中華人民共和國進出口關稅條例》等法律法規和國際法基本原則,決定自 2019 6 1 0 時起,對已實施加征關稅的 600 億美元清單美國商品中的部分商品,提高加征關稅稅率。其中 2,493個稅目商品實施加征 25%的關稅, 1,078 個稅目商品實施加征 20%的關稅, 974 個稅目商品實施加征10%的關稅, 595 個稅目商品仍實施加征 5%的關稅。 本次中國對部分美國商品調整關稅之稅率請參閱下表。


Tariff Rate
1 25% 主要包括綿羊肉、馬肉、蜂蜜、澱粉、砂糖、芒果汁、石灰、液化天然氣、鈣、硫酸鈉、甲苯、甲醇、谷氨酸、尿素、香水、唇用化妝品、眼用
2 20% 主要包括亞麻子、伏特加酒、礦泉水、牙膏、塑膠馬桶坐圈及蓋、衛生紙、鉚釘、彈簧、船用壓燃式內燃發動機、熱敏印表機、碎紙機、軸承等
3 10% 主要包括冷凍甜玉米、烘焙花生、乙酸鈉、急救藥箱、藥包、專用於人類或作獸藥用的凝膠製品、電暖毯、車輛後視鏡、白銅或德銀管、安全剃刀

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China Raises Tariffs on Some US Goods


An announcement was made by the government of the United States on May 9, 2019, which declared that American government would raise tariff rates from 10% to 25% for USD200 billion listed goods that imported from China from 10 May 2019.

In light of this situation, Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council of the PRC issued a notice in accordance with Foreign Trade Law of the PRC, Regulations on Import and Export Tariffs of the PRC and fundamental principles of international law. The Commission decided to raise tariff rates from 1 June 2019 for part of USD60 billion listed U.S. goods that already had been imposed additional tariffs. Chinese government will impose 25% tariffs for 2,493 tariff item commodities, 20% tariffs for 1,078 tariff item commodities and 10% tariffs for 974 tariff item commodities. For 595 tariff item commodities, the Chinese government will still impose 5% tariffs. Please refer to the attached schedule for the adjusted tariff rates on part of U.S commodities.


  Tariff Rate Commodities
1 25% Mainly include sheep meat, horse meat, honey, starch, granulated sugar, mango
juice, lime, liquefied natural gas, calcium, sodium sulfate, methylbenzene, glutamic acid, urea, perfume, lip make-up, eye make-up, men’s blouse made of cotton knitted or crocheted, bone porcelain tableware, laser printer, panel computer, etc.
2 20% Mainly include flaxseed, vodka, mineral water, toothpaste, plastic toilet seat ring, and cover, toilet paper, rivet, spring, the marine explosive motor of compression ignition type, thermal printer, paper shredder, bearing, etc.
3 10% Mainly include frozen sweet corn, roasted peanut, sodium acetate, first-aid kit,
medicine package, gel products for human being or animal, electric blanket, rearview mirror, white copper or silver tube, safety razor blade, marine outboard ignition engine, fire extinguisher, spray painting robot, brass-wind instrument, bowling bowl, baby diapers
4 5% Mainly include magnesium chloride, xylitol, diethyl ether, lemon oil, fireworks, firecracker, cotton wool pulp, solar water heater, oil or gas drill part, 3D printer, stethoscope, dental prosthesis, etc.

Kaizen will keep close attention on the following negotiations and give our valuable feedback to you.

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Registration of a Qianhai FICE - Procedures and Fees



Unless otherwise indicated, the FICE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Qianhai, Shenzhen in accordance with the China Company Law and the related regulations and wholly owned by one or more foreign companies or individuals. A FICE in the form of a limited liability company is by far the most popular investment vehicles in China amongst foreign investors. 




This quotation applies to situations where a foreign investor intends to set up a company in Qianhai, Shenzhen to carry out the business of a trading nature, including retailing, wholesaling, import and export, distribution and agency and that nothing special license or permit other than the business license is required. A foreign-invested company registered in China for the purpose of carrying out the fore-mentioned activities is commonly known as a “FICE”.


Our fees for handling the formation and registration of a FICE in Qianhai, Shenzhen are USD2,000 which cover the services listed in Section 1(1) of this quotation. Our service fees, however, do not include the payment official registration charges, setting up Internet Banking Facility, legalization of identity documents of the shareholder/member of the FICE.

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Registration of a Service Type WFOE in Qianhai - Procedures and Fees



Unless otherwise indicated, the WFOE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Qianhai, Shenzhen in accordance with the China Company Law and the related regulations and wholly owned by one or more foreign companies or individuals. A WFOE in the form of a limited liability company is by far the most popular investment vehicles in China amongst foreign investors. 




This quotation applies to situations where a foreign investor intends to set up a WFOE in Qianhai, Shenzhen to carry out the business of a service nature, including management, consultancy, and business services and that no special license or permit other than the business license is required.


Our fees for handling the formation and registration of a service type WFOE in Qianhai, Shenzhen are USD2,000 and our fees cover the services listed in Section 1(1) of this quotation. Our service fees, however, do not include the payment of official registration charges, setting up internet banking facility, legalization of identity documents of the shareholder/member of the WFOE.

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Value-added Tax Rate IN CHINA

Effective from April 1, 2019



For the different taxable items of China's value-added tax (VAT) and different types of taxpayers, we classify the VAT rate into the following four categories and list the taxable items of the four categories and the corresponding tax rates respectively.


1.    The VAT rate applicable to VAT general taxpayers for sales or import of goods, sales of taxable services.

2.    The VAT rate applicable to all taxpayers for export of goods, services or intangible assets.

3.    VAT deducted rate applicable to VAT general taxpayers for the purchase of agricultural products.

4.    VAT leviable rate applicable to small-scale taxpayers or VAT general taxpayers who allowed to use the simple tax computation method.

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