Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。

Registration of a Shenzhen HR Service WFOE - Procedures and Fees


Unless otherwise indicated, the WFOE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Shenzhen, China in accordance with the China Company Law and the related regulations and wholly-owned by one or more foreign companies or individuals. A WFOE in the form of a limited liability company is by far the most popular investment vehicles in China amongst foreign investors. 




This quotation applies to situations where a Hong Kong company investor intends to set up a company in Shenzhen, China to carry out human resources services.


Our fees for handling the formation and registration of a HR service WFOE in Shenzhen, China are RMB30,000 and our fees cover the services listed in Section 1(1) of this quotation. Our service fees, however, do not include the payment of official registration charges, setting up internet banking facility, legalisation of identity documents of the shareholder/member of the WFOE.


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Registration of a Shenzhen Service Type WFOE - Procedures and Fees


Unless otherwise indicated, the WFOE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Shenzhen, China in accordance with the China Company Law and the related regulations and wholly-owned by one or more foreign companies or individuals. A WFOE in the form of a limited liability company is by far the most popular investment vehicles in China amongst foreign investors. 




This quotation applies to situations where a foreign investor intends to set up a company in Shenzhen, China to carry out the business of a service nature, including management, consultancy, and business services and that no special license or permit other than the business license is required.


Our fees for handling the formation and registration of a service WFOE in Shenzhen, China are USD2,000 and our fees cover the services listed in Section 1(1) of this quotation. Our service fees, however, do not include the payment of official registration charges, setting up internet banking facility, legalization of identity documents of the shareholder/member of the WFOE.


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Change of Name for Shenzhen Branch-Procedures and Fees




The quotation applies to situations where a WFOE’s branch registered in Shenzhen intends to change its name and that no special license or permit or other change is required.


Our fees for handling the change of name for a Shenzhen branch are RMB9,000 and our fees cover the services listed in Section 1(1) of this quotation. Our service fees, however, do not include the payment of official change filing charges.


The materials required include incorporation certificates of the head office and its Shenzhen branch and others. A list of the materials is detailed in Section 3 of the quotation.


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Change of Principal for Shenzhen Branch-Procedures and Fees





This quotation applies to situations where a WFOE's branch registered in Shenzhen intends to change the principal and that no special license or permit or other change is required.


Our fees for handling the change of principal for a branch registered in Shenzhen, China is RMB 9,000 and our fees cover the services listed in Section 1(1) of this quotation. Our service fees, however, do not include the payment of official registration charges.


The materials required include the photocopy of the identity certificate of the new principal, incorporation certificates, seals of the branch and others. A list of the materials is detailed in Section 3 of this quotation.

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Change of Registered Address for Shenzhen Branch - Procedures and Fees




Unless otherwise indicated, the WFOE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Shenzhen, China in accordance with the China Company Law and the related regulations and wholly-owned by one or more foreign companies or individuals.






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