Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。

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一、  選擇公司結構




1)   獨資企業:個人所有的非獨資法人實體。納稅個人與他們的企業無需單獨報稅。

2)   合夥企業:兩個或兩個以上個人擁有所有權的非獨立法人企業。

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1、    申報稅表




2、    口頭通知

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How to Notify IRS of Your Address Change


If your address has changed (e.g. moving), you need to notify the IRS to ensure you receive any tax refunds or IRS correspondence. There are several ways to notify the IRS of an address change:


1.      Tax Return


If you change your address before filing your return, enter your new address on your return when you file. When your return is processed, IRS will update our records. Be sure to also notify your return preparer.


2.      Oral Notification


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China to Cancel MIIT Approval for Foreign Investment in Telecom Services


The State Council of the PRC released a circular on 21 September 2020, which announced that China will cancel requirement for government review on 29 items and delegate power on 4 items.


According to the circular, the first item of government review to be cancelled is the approval for foreign investment in telecom services. In the past, foreign investors shall apply for an approval for foreign investment in telecom services from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC (MIIT) before they are allowed to set up a foreign invested telecom company. The cancellation of this approval will greatly simplify and shorten the process to establish a foreign-invested telecom company. It is really good news to foreign investors who are planning to set up foreign-invested telecom companies in China.


Although the above pre-approval has been cancelled, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC and its provincial bureaus will still review the fulfilment of the shareholding ratio restrictions for foreign-invested telecom enterprises when examining the subsequent application for telecom service license. Supervision over the daily operation of the foreign-invested telecom enterprises will be strengthened at the same time.


In the next stage, the State Council of the PRC will submit a proposal to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the PRC to amend the relevant laws and regulations in accordance with legal procedures. Kaizen will keep a close eye on the amendment of the relating laws and regulation and the release of the supporting measures.


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OT Payment During 2020 Chinese National Day Holidays


According to the circular of holiday arrangements for the year of 2020 issued by the General Office of the State Council of the PRC, the National Day holidays and Mid-Autumn Festival will start from 1 October to 8 October 2020. The National Day overlaps with the Mid-Autumn Festival on 1 October 2020. How to calculate and pay the overtime wages if an employer arranges overtime work for its employees during the period from 1 October to 8 October?


The General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the PRC has issued a circular on 18 September2020, which has clearly clarified the calculation and payment of overtime wages during the period from 1 October to 8 October. The detailed rules are as follows:


1.  The employer shall pay overtime wages at the rate of no less than 300% of the normal wages to the employee if the employee is arrange to work during the period from 1 October to 4 October.


2.   The employer shall first arrange the employee to rest afterwards if the employee is arranged to work during the period from 5 October to 8 October. If no rest is arranged, the employer shall pay overtime wages at the rate of no less than 200% of the normal wages to the employee.


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U.S. 199A Qualified Business Income Deduction Introduction


Many individuals, including owners of businesses operated through sole proprietorships, partnerships, S corporations, trusts and estates may be eligible for a qualified business income deduction, also called the section 199A deduction, for years beginning after December 31.


The deduction allows them to deduct up to 20% of their qualified business income (QBI), plus 20% of qualified real estate investment trust (REIT) dividends and qualified publicly traded partnership (PTP) income. Income earned by a C corporation or by providing services as an employee is not eligible for the deduction.


The deduction has two components.


1.      QBI Component. This component of the deduction equals 20% of QBI from a domestic business operated as a sole proprietorship or through a partnership, S corporation, trust or estate. Depending on the taxpayer's taxable income, the QBI Component is subject to limitations including:

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扣除額允許他們扣除高達20%的合格營業收入(QBI),以及20%的合格房地產投資信託(REIT)股息和合格的公開交易合夥經營(PTP)收入。 C型股份有限公司或作為雇員提供服務所賺取的收入不符合扣除條件。




1    QBI 部分。 扣除的這一部分相當於作為獨資企業或通過合夥企業,S公司,信託或遺產運營的國內企業的QBI20%。根據納稅人的應稅收入,QBI部分受到以下限制:


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Guide to Audit Exemption for Small Companies in Singapore


The Singapore Companies (Amendment) Act 2014 brings in the concept of small company, which replaces the exempt private company for purposes of audit exemption. This article considers the features of this new regime and illustrates its application to existing as well as new companies.


1.       Small company


With the introduction of small company concept, more companies will qualify for audit exemption, thus reducing compliance costs and creating a more business-friendly environment.


Paragraph 2 of the Thirteenth Schedule of the amended Companies Act (Cap 50, 2006 Rev Ed) (hereafter the “Thirteenth Schedule”) states that a company is a small company from a particular financial year if:


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新加坡小型公司"是自2014年修改後生效的公司法(Companies (Amendment) Act 2014, 公司法(修訂)2014)中引進的概念。就財務報表審計而言,小型公司取代了舊公司法中的豁免私人公司"。本文旨在簡單介紹小型公司之定義及相關豁免審計之事宜。


一、   小型公司






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Taiwan Business Tax and Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax for the Cross-Border E-commerce


In the modern age, with the popularization of the internet and mobile technology, purchasing of the services online such as the usage of Cross-Border E-commerce advertisements, purchasing of online games, and videos are getting popular. When there are sales of electronic service to the natural person within the territory of Taiwan, the Cross-Border E-commerce should in accordance with the Articles No. 2-1 of the Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act, the E-commerce shall be the taxpayer of the business tax, has the obligation to pay for the business tax. If the sales target is not the natural person within the territory of Taiwan, the sales person of the E-commerce should in accordance with the Articles No.36 of the Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act. Unless the purchaser is a business entity which computes its tax in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of Chapter 4 of the Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act (Purchaser is the business person belongs to the General Tax Computation), the purchased services are used solely in conducting business in taxable goods or services, such services are exempted from the business tax, else, prior to the fifteenth day of the period following the period in which the payment is made, the purchaser should compute the business tax based on the payment amount in accordance with the regulated tax rate and pay for the business tax.


A non-individual purchaser that purchase the foreign services, the payment of business tax could be differentiated in two: (1) The purchaser is the business person that self-declare and pay the business tax by using the Form of “Declaration of Sales and Business Tax by a Business Entity (Form 401, 403, 404)”, for the purchasing of foreign services, the purchaser will only need to fill the relevant fields in Form 401, 403, 404 and file consolidated. (2) The purchaser which is not the business person self-declare and pay the business tax (such as the small scale business entities, business executives, government agencies, etc.), if there is purchasing of the foreign services, they could visit the e-Tax Portal of the Ministry of Finance ( > Online Service > Electronic Filing and Payment of Tax > Print the tax bill with three-stage barcode (online version) > Business Tax, download “Business Tax Payment Form for the Purchasing of Foreign Services (Form 408)”, self-payment for the business tax.


At the stage of the Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax, the Cross-Border E-commerce sells the electronic services within the territory of Taiwan, if the income of E-commerce is the “Income received in the Taiwan”, according to the Article No. 3-1 of the “Income Tax Regulations for the Cross-Border Sales of Electronic Service for the Foreign Profit-Seeking Enterprise” (The official document No. 10700522870 issued by Ministry of Finance on 11 May 2018), E-commerce should pay for the profit-seeking enterprise income tax according to the regulations. According to Article No. 3-2 of the regulations pre-mentioned,  the foreign profit-seeking enterprise that provides the patents, trademarks, copyrights, secret formulas and franchises by virtue of their being made available for use by other persons in Taiwan through the internet or other electronic means, it does not belongs to the scope of the electronic service, the remuneration is counted as the "royalty". The remuneration is not applicable to the “Income Tax Regulations for the Cross-Border Sales of Electronic Service for the Foreign Profit-Seeking Enterprise”, therefore, it could not compute the income tax according to the net profit ratio and profit contribution ratio, it should be taxed in accordance with the Income Tax Act.


The Cross-Border E-commerce sales the electronic service to the individual (B2C) or enterprise (B2B), there are differences on the taxation method. If the sales of electronic services are to the individual, the tax authority reminds that the Cross-Border E-commerce shall declare for the income tax in the declaration period in May. If the sales of electronic services are to the enterprises, the business person within the territory of Taiwan should deduct the tax by using the Withholding and Non-withholding Tax Statement in accordance with the Income Tax Act, before the payment of tax. For example, Company A arranges employee to go for a business trip, booking a room in the website of Agoda, before the payment of room rate, it should deduct the tax and declare at the tax authority by using the Withholding and Non-withholding Tax Statement.


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非個人之買受人購買國外勞務繳納營業稅方式可分為2種:(一) 買受人為使用「營業人銷售額與稅額申報書(401403404)」自動報繳之營業人,購買國外勞務只要併同401403404申報書填入相關欄位一併申報繳納即可。(二) 買受人為自動報繳營業人以外者(例如:小規模營業人、執行業務者、機關團體等),如有購買國外勞務情形,可自行至財政部稅務入口網(下載「購買國外勞務營業稅繳款書(408)」,自行繳納營業稅款。




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U.S. Corporation Foreign Tax Credit Introduction


Domestic corporations that have paid or accrued qualified foreign income taxes to a foreign country or U.S. possession may generally credit those against their U.S. income tax liability on foreign source income.


The goal of the foreign tax credit is to keep a U.S. taxpayer’s worldwide effective tax rate from exceeding the U.S. statutory tax rate, which is accomplished through the foreign tax credit limitation.


You can claim a credit only if your foreign taxes are qualified:


1.      The tax must be imposed on you: you can claim a credit only for foreign taxes that are imposed on you by a foreign country or U.S. possession.


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1、    您只能對由外國或美國海外領地向您的公司所徵收的外國稅款申請抵免。


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Accelerated Expiry of Shareholders' Capital Contribution in China


The shareholders of a China company are allowed to freely agree on the amount of the subscribed capital and term of capital contribution under the subscribed registered capital system as stipulated in the Company Law of the PRC. If the term of capital contribution of the shareholders has not expired, is it possible for the company creditors to ask for the accelerated expiry of shareholders’ capital contribution obligation so as to realize their creditor rights?


In judicial practice, the Chinese courts generally do not uphold the claim made by a creditor of the company for accelerated expiry of shareholders' capital contribution obligation. However, under special circumstances such as the bankruptcy, dissolution of the company or the shareholders maliciously extend the term of capital contribution to avoid fulfilling the capital contribution obligation, the court may consider to uphold the claim for accelerated expiry of shareholders' capital contribution obligation. Provisions relating to the accelerated expiry of shareholders’ capital contribution obligation are mainly contained in the following laws and regulations.


1.    Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the PRC


According to Article 35 of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the PRC, where after the people’s court accepts an application for bankruptcy, any of the debtor’s capital contributors that fails to fulfill the obligation of capital contribution in full, the administrator shall require the capital contributor to contribute the subscribed capital, irrespective of the time limit set on capital contribution.


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Liabilities for Breach of Precontract in China


Precontract is a contract whereby the parties agree to conclude a contract within a certain period of time in the future. Precontract is quite common in practice. However, it is not stipulated in the General Principles of the Civil Law of the PRC and the Contract Law of the PRC. The provision of precontract has been formally included in the Civil Code of the PRC (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code), which will come into force on 1 January 2021.


According to Article 495 of the Civil Code, if the parties agree to conclude a subscription contract, subscription order, reservation order and so on within a certain period of time in the future, such contracts shall constitute precontracts. Where one party fails to perform the obligation to conclude a precontract as agreed, the other party may request it to bear the breach of contract liability in relation to the precontract.


The Civil Code enumerates several common forms of precontract such as subscription contract, subscription order, reservation order and so on in the above provision. But it shall not be limited to those forms. Whether a letter of intent or a framework agreement that is commonly used in commercial activities constitutes a precontract shall be determined according to the specific contents of the document. It shall not be deemed as a precontract if it is only the expression of the parties' intention to cooperate and it is not explicitly agreed that a formal contract will be concluded within a certain period of time in the future.


The Civil Code does not stipulate the remedies for breach of precontract. However, if the precontract has explicitly stipulated the remedies and liabilities for breach of contract, the non-breaching party may require the breaching party to bear the liability for breach in accordance with the contract. Therefore, in order to avoid the uncertainty of remedies for breach of contract in the future, you are advised to clearly set forth the remedies for breach of contract, for example, to specify the amount of damages for breach of contract or to define the calculation method of losses, when drafting the precontract.


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U.S. Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) Introduction


The disposition of a U.S. real property interest by a foreign person (the transferor) is subject to the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (FIRPTA) income tax withholding. FIRPTA authorized the United States to tax foreign persons on dispositions of U.S. real property interests.


A disposition means “disposition” for any purpose of the Internal Revenue Code. This includes but is not limited to a sale or exchange, liquidation, redemption, gift, transfers, etc. Persons purchasing U.S. real property interests (transferees) from foreign persons, certain purchasers' agents, and settlement officers are required to withhold 15% (10% for dispositions before February 17, 2016) of the amount realized on the disposition (special rules for foreign corporations).


In most cases, the transferee/buyer is the withholding agent. If you are the transferee/buyer, you must find out if the transferor is a foreign person. If the transferor is a foreign person and you fail to withhold, you may be held liable for the tax. For cases in which a U.S. business entity such as a corporation or partnership disposes of a U.S. real property interest, the business entity itself is the withholding agent.


The transferee must deduct and withhold a tax on the total amount realized by the foreign person on the disposition. The rate of withholding generally is 15% (10% for dispositions before February 17, 2016).

The amount realized is the sum of:

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