Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。

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瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
Japan Kabushiki Kaisha Registration Procedures and Fees

Unless otherwise indicated, the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha stated in this quotation refers to a Company Limited by Shares formed and incorporated in Japan in accordance with the Japan Companies Act.


Our fees for the registration of the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha (Company Limited by Shares) is JPY800,000 (limited to a Japanese representative director and the capital registered is not more than JPY20 million). The fees quoted include the service fees provided by Kaizen, such as preparation of the Articles of Associations of the Kabushiki Kaisha and other related documentation. For details, please refer to Section 1 of this quotation. Our fees do not cover the provision of registered office and notarization of the identification documents of the shareholder of the Japan company.

For the incorporation of the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha, the investor needs to provide the identification documents and address proof of the shareholders and directors of the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha, the registered capital, the registered office address (if provided by the client), the principal business activities and the business models. For the required documents and materials, please refer to Section 6 of this quotation.

The Japan Kabushiki Kaisha shall appoint a representative director, the representative director could be the individual investor, assisting in collect and pay for the initial capital remittance, the representative director shall have a Japan local bank account, assisting in collect and pay for the investment amount. If the representative director does not have a local personal bank account, they may entrust a third party, such as a Japanese employee, or Kaizen could provide a temporary representative director to complete the procedure of company registration. For the service fee, please refer to Section 2 of this quotation. Upon completion of the bank account opening, the representative director will arrange to remit the investment amount into the company bank account.

In general, the registration of the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha takes around 4 to 5 weeks (Excluding the bank account opening time).

The fees quoted are applicable to the business which does not require an additional license or permit. If the business to be carried out by the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha requires an extra license or permits, Kaizen could assist to apply for such license or permit and the fees will be quoted upon request. Kindly note that this quotation is applicable to the registration of Kabushiki Kaisha in Tokyo, Japan.

1. Registration Fee for the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha
  Our fees for the registration of the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha (Company Limited by Shares) is JPY800,000, limited to a Japanese representative director and the capital registered is not more than JPY20 million. The fees include the service fees provided by Kaizen and the government registration fee. The service items are listed as below.
  (1) Registration and Related Services
    (a)   Preliminary check of intended name;
(b)   Preparation of the Articles of Associations and the registration documents;
(c)   The notarizations of documents for the Japan Kabushiki Kaisha (The fee is borne by clients);
(d)   Preparation of the capital remitted proof document (Client shall remit the capital);
(e)   Submit the registration documents, pay for the registration license tax and registration fee to the Japanese Legal Affairs Bureau;
(f)   Obtaining a copy of registration form and a seal certificate;

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1. 編制設立日本代表處所需資料(如有);

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塞舌爾國際商業公司 (IBC) 的進一步指引


本通告主要綜合了塞舌爾稅務局 (SRC) 最近就稅務收入及稅務識別號碼所發布的指引。


(1) 在塞舌爾產生收入的國際商業公司須於塞舌爾繳稅



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Further guidance for International Business Companies (IBC) in Seychelles

Dear Client,

This update summarizes the recent guidance released by the Seychelles Revenue Commission (SRC) about the taxable income and Tax Identification Number of IBC in Seychelles.

(1) Seychelles-sourced income is taxable in Seychelles

According to the recent guidance on taxable income, any IBC which derives Seychelles-sourced income according to the definition outlined in the Guidance Notes would be taxable in Seychelles. An additional statutory obligation would be imposed to the IBCs with Seychelles-sourced income, such as annual preparation and filing of audited accounts and tax returns.

For a better understanding of whether an IBC falls within this scope, you are encouraged to share the Business plan with us. If your IBC is indeed earning Seychelles-sourced income, the directors of the company must inform the IBC Registry within 30 days of such occurrence. Therefore, you should inform us within 14 days of such occurrence to enable us to assist you in notifying the Registry in a timely manner.

(2) Applying for a Tax Identification Number (TIN)

We are pleased to inform you that following legislative changes in Seychelles, from now on any active Seychelles company with good standing status as well as maintaining its accounting records in Seychelles, preferably at the Registered Office (RO) of the IBC will be able to obtain TIN Number, regardless of whether it derives Seychelles-sourced income. Please note that TIN applications can only be processed by your current Registered Agent.
Currently, the TIN applications can only be performed manually but we expect that an online portal would be finalized by the Department of Information Communications Technology (DICT) within the next few months.

In order to apply for a TIN, IBCs will have to carry out the following:

  • Provide a Certificate of Good Standing (CGS) (NB: This will not be necessary once the online portal is rolled out, as the SRC will be able to ascertain an IBC's legal standing through a direct live link with the Registry's database.);
  • Provide a supporting directors' resolution reflecting its RO address as the physical location of its accounting records;
  • Pay an initial filing fee to start maintaining its accounting records electronically at RO as well as Kaizen. Subsequently, an annual filing fee will be due and payable together with its annual renewal invoice;
  • Submit a copy of all its accounting records* electronically for maintenance by RO as well as Kaizen, which can be accessible by the SRC upon request.

We strongly recommend you to take actions at the earliest in making a professional determination on whether your IBCs derive Seychelles-sourced income and inform us promptly if this is the case.

Yours sincerely,
The Kaizen Team

*We wish to remind you of provisions of the IBC Act, pertaining to the type of accounting records expected to be maintained by all IBCs for a minimum period of 7 years from the date of a particular transaction




If you wish to obtain more information or assistance, please visit the official website of Kaizen CPA Limited at or contact us through the following and talk to our professionals:

Tel: +852 2341 1444

Mobile: +852 5616 4140, +86 152 1943 4614

WhatsApp/ Line/ Wechat: +852 5616 4140

Skype: kaizencpa

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Taiwan Holiday Arrangement in 2020 Announced

The Directorate-General of Personnel Administration released the “Circular on Part of the Holiday Arrangement in 2020” on December 02, 2019. According to the above Circular, the official holidays for the year 2020 are scheduled as follows:
1. New Year's Day
  1st January 2020  (one day off in total).
2. Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)
  From 23rd January to 29th January 2020 (seven days off in total).
15th February 2020 (Saturday) is adjusted to the official working day.
3. 228 Peace Commemoration Days
  From 28th February to 1st March 2020 (three days off in total).
4. Tomb-sweeping Festival
  From 2nd April to 5th April 2020 (four days off in total)
5. Labour Day
  1st May 2020 (one day off in total)
6. Dragon Boat Festival  
  25th June  to 28th June 2020  (four days off in total)
20th June 2020 (Saturday) is adjusted to the official working day.
7. Mid-autumn Festival  
  1st October to 4th October 2020 (four days off in total).
26th September 2020 (Saturday) is adjusted to the official working day.
8. National Day  
  From 9th October to 11th October 2020 (three days off in total)

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, thank you!

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Hong Kong Representative Office Registration Package #HKRO05 - Registration plus Business Address plus Bank Account plus Working Visa

When a foreign company intends to set up a physical presence in Hong Kong for the purposes of marketing search and development and liaison with suppliers and customers, it could consider applying to set up a Representative Office. What follows is a description of our fees and the documents required for the registration of such a Representative Office in Hong Kong.

1. Hong Kong Representative Office Registration Package #HKRO05 - Scope of Services and Fees

(1) Handling the registration of a representative office in Hong Kong

  • Application for Business Registration Certificate
  • Payment of first year business registration fee
  • Production of one stamp for the Representative Office

(2) Provision of business address in Hong Kong for one year

  • Provision of a Hong Kong street address as the business address of your representative office
  • Forwarding mails by Air once a month (postage of courier charge will be billed separately)

(3) Application for Hong Kong Working Visa/Employment Visa (one person)

  • Kaizen will handle the application for a working visa/employment visa for the representative or foreign employee who is to be stationed in Hong Kong
  • Payment of Hong Kong working visa/investment visa application fee

(4) Bank Account

Setting up a bank account for the parent company of Representative Office with a leading bank in Hong Kong. Please note that banks in Hong Kong do not open bank account for a representative office. As such, you could only apply to set up a bank account in the name of the parent company to finance the operation of your Hong Kong representative office.

(1) + (2) + (3) + (4) = USD1,975

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Marshall Islands Company Incorporation Package #MIIBC02 - Company Registration and Certificate of Incumbency

The package listed below does not include the setting up of bank account. In any case you also need to set up a corporate account for your Marshall Islands company in Hong Kong, you may want to consider our Marshall Islands Company Incorporation Package #MIIBC03- Company Registration


1. Marshall Islands Company Registration and Certificate of Incumbency Package

(1) Marshall Islands International Business Company Registration (for company with share capital of no more than USD50,000 and without Chinese name):USD850


With a standard share capital of USD50,000, the registration fee together with the first year maintenance fee is USD850. In particular, the fee covers:

(a) first year licence fee
(b) first year registered agent and registered office
(c) one complete company kit (Memorandum and Articles of Association and common seal and rubber stamp etc)

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馬紹爾群島公司註冊套裝#MIIBC02 – 公司註冊及公司董事在職證明書

下面套裝不包括設立銀行賬戶。如您還需要為您的馬紹爾群島公司在香港設立一個公司賬戶,您可以考慮我們的馬紹爾群島公司(新成立公司) 註冊套裝#MIIBC03






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California Limited Liability Company Dissolution Package


1. An LLC in California Dissolution Services and Fees
  Our fees for handling the dissolution of an LLC in California is USD 650, including the following services:
  (1) Kaizen professional service fee;
  (2) Prepare and submit document to dissolve the LLC;
  (3) Pay dissolution filing fee to California Secretary of State.
  (1) Kaizen fees quoted above do not include any document delivery fee during the business dissolution process, if any.
  (2) Kaizen fees quoted above exclude the taxes. If client requests tax invoice, value-added tax at the prevailing rate may be charged and collected.


2. Other Relevant Services
  (1) Final year tax returns for Federal & California State

The LLC must file the final/current year tax return and pay tax balances. Kaizen can prepare and file the final/current year tax return for Federal & California State on your behalf. The service fee to file the final year tax return is at least USD 1300; service fee will be charged from the client if the tax return is complicated than expected.
  (2) Final Franchise Tax

The LLC must pay the final franchise tax which at least USD 800. Kaizen can prepare and file the final Franchise tax without extra service fee.


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本公司代辦臺灣工作證的服務費用為每人美金 800元, 居留簽證每人美金250元,居留證為每人美金250元, 隨行之依親居留簽證為每人美金800元。具體包含下列服務:



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Taiwan Work Permit Application Procedures and Fees

(For Foreign, Hong Kong, and Macau as the Person in Charge or Managers in Taiwan)


This package is suitable for a person in charge or managers from Hong Kong, Macau and foreign countries (other than Mainland China) that intend to apply for Taiwan work permit and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC).


1.   Service Fees


The service fees to apply work permit is USD 800 per person, the resident visa is USD 250 per person and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) is USD 250 per person, while the dependent visa is USD 800 per person. The service list is listed below.

(1)   Provide consultancy for the application of Taiwan work permit and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC);
(2)   Review the document provided by clients;

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China Holiday Arrangement in 2020 Announced

The State Council released the “Circular on Part of the Holiday Arrangement in 2020” on November 21, 2019. According to the above Circular, the official holidays for the year 2020 are scheduled as follows:

1. New Year's Day

1st January 2020 (one day off in total).

2. Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)

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國務院辦公廳關于 2020 年部分節假日安排的通知

國辦發明電〔 2019〕 16 號


經國務院批准,現將 2020 年元旦、春節、清明節、勞動節、端午節、中秋節和國慶節放假調

一、 元旦

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Taiwan Branch Office Registration Package #TWBO5

(For Company Registered in Place other than Mainland China)


Unless otherwise stated, the Taiwan Branch Office stated in this quotation referred to the Branch Office incorporated in Taiwan under the Taiwan Company Act.


This package is suitable for individual or company registered in places other than Mainland China that intend to apply to register a branch office in Taiwan. For the company established in Mainland China or a foreign company held by a Mainland Chinese to apply for registration a branch office in Taiwan, please refer to the “Package for the Mainland China Company to register a Taiwan Branch Office”.




Our service fee for the registration of Taiwan branch office is TWD 78,000. This package included the service fees, government registration fee, and opening a Taiwan bank account. This package does not include the registered address service for the Taiwan branch office.

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Taiwan Representative Office Registration Package #TWRO5

(For Companies Registered in Places other than Mainland China)


Unless otherwise stated, the Taiwan representative office stated in this quotation referred to the Taiwan representative office incorporated in Taiwan under the Taiwan Company Act.


This package is suitable for individual or company registered in places other than Mainland China that intend to register a representative office in Taiwan. For the company established in Mainland China or a foreign company held by a Mainland Chinese to apply for registration a representative office in Taiwan, please refer to the “Package for the Mainland China Company to register a Taiwan Representative Office”.




Our fees for the registration of a Taiwan representative office is TWD 52,000. This package included the service fees, government registration fee, and opening a Taiwan bank account. This package does not include the registered address service for the Taiwan representative office. Kaizen could provide the registered address service, but fees will be quoted separately.

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 Taiwan Company Registration Package #TWLLC5

(For Residents or Company Registered in Places other than Mainland China)


Unless otherwise stated, the Taiwan company stated in this quotation referred to a limited liability company formed and incorporated in Taiwan under the Taiwan Company Act.


This package is suitable for the individual from or company registered in places other than the Mainland China who intends to apply to register a company in Taiwan for the purpose of carrying out technology, general consulting or trading business.




Our package fee for the registration of a limited liability company in Taiwan is TWD98,000. This package fee covers our professional registration service, government official registration fee, one-year local agent service and opening a corporate bank account in Taiwan. This package does not include the registered address service and the notarization of documents.

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