Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。

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一、   申請條件



1、    申請人須在2020229日當天,持有食環署發出的有效食物業牌照(正式或暫准牌照),而該牌照屬防疫抗疫基金—餐飲處所(社交距離)資助計劃申請表格(申請表格)第II部第(3)項所列的四類牌照之一;

2、    於遞交資助申請當天以及在資助申請獲批核當天,有關持牌食物業處所須仍然營運及持有有效的相關牌照;

3、    在從遞交申請至獲批當天的期間,有關持牌食物業處所的食物業牌照並沒有牌照轉讓、自願交還牌照或取消牌照申請在處理中,符合特別條件的已遞交牌照轉讓或暫准牌照持有人除外;

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Comparison of Major Taxes in Taiwan and Mainland China







Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax:

  • Basic tax rate is 20%
  • The tax rate is 12% after the implementation of the Income Basic Tax Act (thereafter [Alternative Minimum Tax]).
  • For a profit-seeking enterprise with independent legal personality, while the current year’s surplus is not distributed in the following year, an additional 5% profit-seeking enterprise income tax is required
  • Loss carrying forward period is 10 years

Enterprise Income Tax

  • Basic tax rate is 25%
  • Preferential tax rate for high-tech enterprises: 15%
  • Preferential tax rate for small low-profit enterprises: 10%, 5%
  • No tax regulations for undistributed surplus
  • Loss carrying forward period is 10 years


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  • 基本所得稅率為20%
  • 所得基本稅額條例(簡稱「最低稅負」)實施後,企業的稅率為12%
  • 具獨立法人人格之營利事業,其當年度盈餘未於次年度分配者,需加徵5%營利事業所得稅
  • 虧損扣抵年限10


  • 基本稅率為25%
  • 符合高新技術企業優惠稅率:15%
  • 符合條件的小型微利企業優惠稅負率:
  • 5%
  • 無針對未分配盈餘徵稅之規定
  • 虧損扣抵年限5



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一、  擴大書面審核申報





  1.    採用此種方式僅需要書面審核,被調帳查核的機會較小,案件抽查比率約10%

2、   可不用精細的處理帳務,故可以用很低的價格,委託外面事務所代辦報稅記帳事宜。



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Tax Differences Between Setting Up a Branch and a Subsidiary in Taiwan


For a foreign entity that is seeking to do business in Taiwan, a branch and a subsidiary are two commonly utilized methods. From an accounting perspective, a branch is equivalent to an extension of the parent organization and maintains its accounts jointly with the parent. The parent company is fully liable for the branch’s liabilities and legal claims. In comparison, a subsidiary is a separate corporate entity set up by the holding company. It maintains a separate set of books and its liabilities and legal claims cannot be passed on to the parent. When a foreign corporation expands its business in Taiwan, it usually involves in trading of common products, warehouse registration, manufacturing for domestic sale or export sale, or further invest in other business entities in exchange for shares.


Which is the most tax-efficient business structure for a foreign company investing in Taiwan? First, Taiwan tax law imposes a 20% corporate income tax on a foreign corporation’s Taiwan subsidiary earnings, a 21% on the dividends from its after-tax earnings, and a 5% on its undistributed profits. Under the current Taiwan tax law, a foreign corporation is not subject to the 20% tax on dividends earned by its Taiwan subsidiary until the moment the dividends are distributed to the foreign parent company.


Foreign companies are subject to a 20% corporate income tax on its earnings from a Taiwan branch office, and a 0% on the dividends from its after-tax earnings. Because a branch office is an extension of the parent company, it does not pay tax to the Taiwan government on dividends from its after-tax earnings. However, dividends distributed to a foreign company’s Taiwan branch due to its investments in Taiwan, are regarded as directly distributed to the foreign parent company and are subject to a 20% dividend income tax. After we understand the above tax laws, it is easier to choose between a branch or a subsidiary while investing in Taiwan. Therefore, Kaizen recommends:


1.A foreign company investing in Taiwan will get more benefits by setting up a subsidiary when the main purpose is to further invest in other Taiwanese companies.


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一、 外商來台投資取得被投資公司股權,應設立子公司在稅務上較有利;


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Introduction to Individual Income Tax in Taiwan



Individual Income Tax (IIT) in Taiwan, it is levied on incomes generated by individuals that income sourced from Taiwan. Tax residence and non-tax residence had been introduced to different tax rates, Tax Residence calculate their tax payable for the year in accordance to the progressive tax rate, however, non-tax residence will be tax at a different rate according to the Income Tax Act.


1.       Tax Basis


IIT is residence-based income tax levy, which is, when a person had been determined as a taxable person in Taiwan, the worldwide income which they had been obtained in the year is subjected to be taxable. The above situation will be varied due to the situation involved in each tax residence: -

(1)     Taiwan citizens who had to earn (e.g employment incomes) from the Peoples Republic of China (China) would obtain tax rebates if the taxpayer had paid his tax in China.

(2)     Any foreign income sourced by the tax residence in Taiwan shall be calculated in accordance with Income Basic Tax.

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Guide about Taxation System in Taiwan


1.   Introduction


The Taiwan tax system is a general term of the Taiwan tax regulations and audit management systems. The current taxation in Taiwan can be divided into two types, the national tax and local tax (municipal and country(city) tax) from the tax revenue right.


The national tax includes profit-seeking enterprise income tax, individual income tax, estate tax and gift tax, commodity tax, business tax, tobacco and alcohol tax, futures transaction tax, securities transaction tax, customs duty and the mining tax.


The local tax (municipal and country(city) tax) includes land tax (land value tax, land value-added tax), stamp tax, vehicle license tax, house tax, deed tax, entertainment tax and special tax. At present, the tax revenue in Taiwan accounts for about 70% of the total revenue, and the income tax is the most important tax, it accounts for about 40% of the tax revenue, followed by the value-added and non-value-added business tax and commodity tax.


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Guide about Taiwan Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax


1.   Introduction


The Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax is the income tax levied by the Taiwan government on the surplus of Taiwan’s profit-seeking enterprise, and the nature of it is similar to Enterprise Income Tax in China. The taxpayers include corporate legal persons, and sole proprietorship, partnership, company (including a Taiwan branch of a foreign company), and any other form of organization that operates for profit-seeking purposes through a fixed place of business, regardless of whether the enterprise is owned by the government, private sector, or jointly by the government and the private sector. The taxable income of profit-seeking enterprises is the net income after deducting various expenditures, losses, and taxes from their total income.


2.   Tax Base and Tax Rate


A profit-seeking enterprise in the form of a sole proprietorship, partnership, or company (including a subsidiary that is wholly owned by a foreign company or a joint venture company) is subject to profit-seeking enterprise income tax on its worldwide income. The taxable income of a company for purposes of the profit-seeking enterprise income tax is gross income (including exempt income), less all allowable expenses, and losses. A foreign tax credit is available for income tax paid in other countries on income derived from outside Taiwan. The credit may be used to offset the foreign tax paid against the enterprise’s Taiwan income tax liability, but the credit may not exceed the tax liability that would result if the foreign-source income is added to the Taiwan taxable income and taxed at the applicable domestic rate.


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Guide for Taiwan Business Tax


1.   Introduction


Taiwan implemented the business tax, which levied on value-added in 1986. The scope of taxation includes the sales of goods, services, and the import of goods. The tax base is the balance of its total revenue minus capital equipment and non-capital expenditures in every month or every two months. The business tax rate divided into two types, the general tax calculation business entities and special tax calculation business entities. The former refers to the business entities who are taxed on value-added tax, and the latter refers to the business entities who are taxed on the total amount of revenue.


2.   Scope of Taxation


Pursuant to the Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act (Business Tax Act or BTA), the sale of goods and the provision of services in Taiwan, as well as the import of goods into Taiwan, are subjected to business tax.


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一、 稅基




1、 台灣公民如有中國大陸來源所得(例如:大陸工作之薪資),應繳納台灣所得稅,但在大陸已繳納之所得稅允許依法抵扣。

2、 台灣居住者之海外所得,須依最低稅負制,計算所得基本稅額。

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一、  稅基




1  台灣公民如有中國大陸來源所得(例如:大陸工作之薪資),應繳納台灣所得稅,但在大陸已納之所得稅得依法抵扣。

2  台灣居住者之海外所得,須依最低稅負制,計算所得基本稅額。

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一、  稅基




1  台灣公民如有中國大陸來源所得(例如:大陸工作之薪資),應繳納台灣所得稅,但在大陸已納之所得稅得依法抵扣。

2  台灣居住者之海外所得,須依最低稅負制,計算所得基本稅額。

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一、  引言




二、  營業稅稅基




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一、 外商來台投資取得被投資公司股權,應設立子公司在稅務上較有利;


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一、   線上開設公司帳戶的服務費用及內容




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一、  引言


臺灣稅制是臺灣稅收法規和稽徵管理制度的總稱。 臺灣現行的稅收從稅收收益權歸屬可區分為國稅及地方稅(直轄市及縣市稅)兩種級別。






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一、  引言




二、  稅基及稅率




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一、 美國公司銀行帳戶的特色


1、    快速開戶,僅需2個工作日;

2、    首期存款要求低,僅需5,000美元;

3、    帳戶維護費用低,節省帳戶管理成本;

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Open U.S. Business Bank Account Remotely

For Existing Company



U.S. business bank accounts, also known as commercial bank accounts or business bank accounts. Kaizen can offer the opportunity for foreign investors to open U.S. business bank accounts remotely for their U.S. companies. For existing U.S. companies, the owner can cooperate with Kaizen to open the U.S. business bank account remotely instead of visiting the U.S. in person.     


1.       Features of U.S. Business Bank Account


(1)     Open the U.S. bank account within 2 business days;

(2)     Only need USD 5,000 for initial deposit;

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