Company Profile
臺灣顧問有限公司乃香港啟源會計師事務所有限公司的成員公司。 啟源會計師事務所有限公司於2002年在香港註冊成立,短短幾年,在所有員工的努力和廣大客戶的支持下,我們業務的輻射範圍越來越廣,由香港本土擴展到世界各地,並已在中國北京、上海、深圳、臺灣和新加坡設立了辦事處。 啟源會計師事務所提供如下服務:審計與會計、公司註冊、稅務諮詢、商標與專利申請、簽證與移民以及人力資源服務。



外國人(轉讓人)處置美國不動產權益應按1980 年《外國人投資不動產稅收法案》(FIRPTA)扣繳所得稅。FIRPTA授權美國政府有權對外國人處置美國不動產權益徵收稅款。


國稅局的“處置”包括但不限於出售、置換、清算、贖回、贈與、轉讓等。從外國人手中購買美國不動產權益的受讓人、指定購買者的仲介以及結算人員必須按要求扣繳15%作為預扣稅額(2016217日之前處置的扣繳 10%)。




受讓人/買方需扣繳並抵減對外國人因處置而實現的總金額徵收的預扣稅款。扣繳率通常為15%(對 2016217 日之前的處置的扣繳率為 10%)。


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China Qianhai and Shekou FTZ to

Remove Access Restrictions for HK and Macao Investors


Recently, the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress officially approved and issued a new regulation on China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone Qianhai and Shekou Area of Shenzhen (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), which will take effect from 1 October 2020.


The Regulation grants Qianhai and Shekou FTZ more rights to carry out exploratory and innovative measures. The following highlights are quite eye catching:


1.    Exploring the possibilities of removing market access restrictions for Hong Kong and Macao entities that invest in Qianhai and Shekou FTZ, promoting the management of negative lists and full liberation of cross-border service trade with Hong Kong and Macao.


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一、  競業限制適用的主體有哪些?






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Does Your Non-compete Agreement Comply with the PRC Laws?


As an advance precaution for enterprises to protect their trade secrets, non-compete agreements have become more and more common in recent years. There is no separate legislation on non-competes in China so far. The non-compete regulations are mainly contained in Article 23, Article 24 and Article 90 of the Labour Contract Law of the PRC. Furthermore, the Interpretation (IV) of the Supreme People’s Court of Several Issues on the Application of Law in Trial of the Labour Dispute Cases (hereinafter referred to as the “Interpretations (IV)”) has clarified some issues related to non-compete. It is crucial to make sure your non-compete agreement comply with the PRC laws. Kaizen hereby summarizes the relevant laws and regulations as follows for your reference.


1.    Who can legally be subject to non-compete obligations?


In China, non-compete restrictions shall not be applied to all employees. An employer shall not require all its employees to sign a non-compete agreement.


According to Article 24 of the Labour Contract Law of the PRC, employees who can legally be subject to non-compete restrictions are limited to the senior management, senior technicians and other personnel with a confidentiality obligation. The non-compete agreement signed between the employer and personnel not mentioned above shall be deemed as invalid and shall not be binding to the employee.


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資本利得和損失分為長期或短期。一般而言, 如果您持有該資產的期間超過一年,您的資本利得或損失則屬於長期。如果您持有時間少於一年,您的資本利得或虧損是短期的。淨資本利得所適用的稅率比普通收入所適用的稅率要低的多。 “長期資本利得”指的是長期資本利得減去長期資本損失後的淨利得,其中長期資本損失還包括從以前年度結轉的,未使用的長期資本損失額。而術語“淨資本利得”指的是當前年度的淨長期資本利得減去當前年度的淨短期資本損失的金額。



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一、   針對跨境交付和境外消費,進行開放壓力測試,如推動允許外國機構獨立舉辦涉外經濟技術展會、在中國境內經營無船承運無須為中國企業法人、支持與境外機構合作開發跨境商業醫療保險產品等。


二、   探索放寬特定服務領域自然人移動模式下的服務貿易限制性措施,推動職業資格互認,便利境外專業人才來華創業,如試點允許符合條件的港澳專業人士在海南、深圳、廣州等試點地區提供工程諮詢服務,開展與港澳專業服務資質互認試點,探索整合外國人工作許可和工作類居留許可,便利外國人來華就業等。


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新加坡VS 香港








  • 共同申報準則(CRS)資訊切換式通訊協定


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U.S. Individual Capital Loss Deduction


When a person sells a capital asset, the sale normally results in a capital gain or loss. Is capital loss deductible in the taxpayer’s income tax return? The following will give you a brief introduction to the capital loss deductions rule.


Firstly, we should figure out some basic concepts. A capital asset includes inherited property or property someone owns for personal use (e.g. cars and home) or as an investment (e.g. stocks and bonds). A capital gain or loss is the difference between the basis and the amount the seller gets when they sell an asset. The basis is usually what the seller paid for the asset. But please note that taxpayers can only deduct capital losses on the sale of investment property but cannot deduct losses on the sale of property they hold for their personal use.


Capital gains and losses are classified as long-term or short-term. Generally, if you hold the asset for more than one year before you dispose of it, your capital gain or loss is long-term. If you hold it one year or less, your capital gain or loss is short-term. If you have a net capital gain, a lower tax rate may apply to the gain than the tax rate that applies to your ordinary income. The term "net long-term capital gain" means long-term capital gains reduced by long-term capital losses including any unused long-term capital loss carried over from previous years.

The term "net capital gain" means the amount by which your net long-term capital gain for the year is more than your net short-term capital loss for the year.


If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, individual taxpayers realizing a net long-term or short-term capital loss may only recognize (deduct) a maximum of $3,000 of the loss from other types of gross income (ordinary income passive income, or portfolio income). A joint return of husband and wife is treated as one person. If the husband and wife file income tax return separately, the loss deduction is limited to half ($1,500).

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Bank Account Opening

Singapore VS Hong Kong


Both Singapore and Hong Kong are world-renowned business centres, attracting global investors with their extremely low tax rates and open business environment. Bank accounts have become one of the most important prerequisites for investors to make investment decisions and operate their businesses.


As financial centres, Singapore and Hong Kong are neck and neck. But the global economic situation is complicated, such as money laundering and fraud cases occur frequently, based on the prevention and control of financial risk, and the relevant international financial organizations, in recent years, the Hong Kong companies registry is easier but harder to open an bank account, even if the account being opened successfully or bank existing customers, also frequent gratuitously notified by bank closed the phenomenon of accounts, investors were upset. By contrast, opening a bank account in Singapore is relatively easy and successful, leading many investors to move to Singapore-registered companies and open accounts.


Kaizen is hereby illustrating a brief comparison of bank account opening in Singapore and Hong Long for our potential and current clients in order for them to make accurate investment decision.


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